

Udmurt and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics; Bilingualism; Sociolinguistics

Group leader: Associate Prof. Natalia V. Kondratieva, Dean (Director), Instiute of Udmurt Philology, Finno-Ugric Studies and Journalism


Research abstract: The research aims at developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of Udmurt linguistics in the context of modern theories of Finno-Ugric and general linguistics; innovative ideas are introduced in the field of teaching native and foreign languages; another research application is the development of new area-specific master programs. Natalia Kondratieva is the author of many textbooks, monographs. Conducts work with graduate students.

N.V. Kondratyeva is a key figure in the development of international relations of the Udmurt State University in the field of science: thanks to her efforts close contacts are maintained with universities in Hungary, Finland, and Estonia.

Key publications: Kondratieva, N. Nemzetiségi oktatás egy oroszországi finnugor kӧztársaságban [Электронный ресурс] / N. Kondratieva ; forditotta Z. Salánki // Anyanyelv-pedagogia. - 2017. - Т. 10, № 1. - 74-79 old. - - Венг. яз. УДМУРТСКАЯ ДРАМАТУРГИЯ ВТОРОЙ ПОЛОВИНЫ XX - НАЧАЛА XXI ВЕКА: ПРОБЛЕМАТИКА, ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ СВОЕОБРАЗИЕ, ЖАНРОВЫЕ ИСКАНИЯ/ Зайцева Т.И., Кондратьева Н.В., Ившина М.В. Ижевск, 2018. (монография) LABOR EST ETIAM IPSE VOLUPTAS...(К 50-ЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ УДМУРТСКОГО ЛИНГВИСТА М. А. САМАРОВОЙ)/ Кондратьева Н.В., Стрелкова О.Б. Урало-алтайские исследования. 2018. № 1 (28). С. 89-93. (Scopus) ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ОБЩЕСТВЕННО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ ЛЕКСИКИ УДМУРТСКОГО ЯЗЫКА КАК ОТРАЖЕНИЕ ПРОЦЕССОВ ЯЗЫКОВОГО СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА / Кондратьева Н.В., Степанова О.А. Финно-угорский мир. 2018. Т. 10. № 2. С. 26-36. (ВАК) СЕМАНТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ МОДАЛЬНЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВ В СИСТЕМЕ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ФИНСКОГО ЯЗЫКА / Кондратьева Н.В., Стрелкова О.Б. Вестник Удмуртского университета. Серия История и филология. 2018. Т. 28. № 5. С. 785-793. (ВАК) НА ПЕРЕЛОМЕ ЭПОХ, ИЛИ К ВОПРОСУ ОБ ОБСУЖДЕНИИ КНИГИ ПЕТЕРА ДОМОКОША "ИСТОРИЯ УДМУРТСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ" В ПЕРЕВОДЕ НА РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК / Кириллова Л.Е., Кондратьева Н.В., Егоров А.В. Вестник Удмуртского университета. Серия История и филология. 2017. Т. 27. № 5. С. 722-732. (ВАК)


V K -Kelmakov

Udmurt and Finno-Ugric Linguistics; Dialects Studies; History of Udmurt Linguistics

Group leader: Prof. Valey K. Kelmakov, Dept. of General and Finno-Ugric Linguistics


Research abstract: The research deals with theoretical and methodological foundations of Udmurt linguistics in the context of modern theories of Finno-Ugric and general linguistics. Innovative ideas in the field of teaching native and foreign languages are being introduced and promoted, professionally-oriented innovative technologies are introduced as part of the educational content of undergraduate and graduate programs.

The scientific, educational and pedagogical functions of the scientific school are implemented under the guidance of Professor V.K. Kelmakov, Doctor of Philology, author of many textbooks, standard and work programs, a large-scale and modern-minded person, a wise professional mentor who has managed to create a friendly team of like-minded teachers . Such young specialists as A.V. Egorov, D.A. Efremov, L.M. Ivshin, N.V. Kondratyeva, N.M. Lyukina, L.G. Ponomareva passed the scientific school for training specialists of V.K. Kelmakov. , M.A. Samarova, O. B. Strelkova, E. A. Sundukova, O. V. Titova and others.

He devotes much effort and energy to compiling and editing monographs of colleagues, collective collections of articles on the Udmurt language, propagating the history and achievements of modern Udmurt linguistics as a special science, publishing bibliographic guides and review articles, articles on works published by foreign scholars in foreign languages, which are little-known, as well as completely unknown written monuments of the Udmurt language, thereby bringing these studies and language monuments to the attention of specialists and the entire Udmurt people.

Following work is conducted in the field of philological science on regional and international level:

  1. Regional symposium “Dialects and History of Perm Languages in Interaction with Other Languages”, held every other year;
  2. A series of publications on Perm and Udmurt linguistics:
  • "Permistika";
  • "Samples of Udmurt speech"
  • “Udmurt Verasketets” / “Udmurt dialects”;
  • preprints of the faculty of Udmurt philology;

Key publications


Зеленина Тамара Ивановна

Methodology for Comparing Linguistic Cultures using Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches

Group leader: Prof. Tamara I. Zelenina, Department of Roman Philology


Research abstract: In recent years, the term “multilingual learning” has been actively used in language education. The main idea of multilingual education is teaching several foreign languages not in isolation from each other, but in close connection, taking into account the complex processes of language interference (positive and negative), with the obligatory reliance on the native language of students. In the process of designing a multilingual educational space, a lack of definition of methodological approaches of philological and cultural studies based on a comparison of languages, literature and cultures, including diachronic studies, became apparent, since the historical layer is the basis for comparing modern languages. One of the urgent tasks of comparative linguistics is also to ensure the complete transfer of information from one language to another. Synchronous comparative studies of languages are carried out, first of all, in scientific works on the theory of translation.

The research in “Methodology for Comparing Linguistic Cultures using Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches” is based on the ideas of leading Russian scientists representing different linguistic schools: St. Petersburg (Prof. T. A. Repina, Prof. A.I. Varshavskaya, Prof. A.V. Fedorov, Prof. L.P. Chakhoyan), Moscow (Prof. A.D. Reichstein, Prof. I.I. Chernyshev), Yekaterinburg (Prof. A. P Chudinov) and others.

For several years, the group have been conducting research in the field of comparative linguistics at the synchronous and diachronic levels, linguistic and cultural studies and translation studies. As a result, candidate and doctoral dissertations have been defended and are being prepared for defense; numerous scientific papers have been published. Based on the research, software for new educational programs is being developed. Master program was opened.



Foreign Language and Intercultural Education in Poly-Ethnic Region

Group leader: Prof. Albina N. Utekhina, Dept. of Translation and Applied Linguistics


Research abstract: Research is conducted in four areas:

  1. Development of theoretical, methodological, socio-pedagogical and scientific-methodological support of early foreign language and early intercultural education (pre-school and primary school levels).
  2. Theoretical substantiation of the main provisions of the program-didactic support of foreign language and intercultural education for secondary and high school. Determination of the fundamentals of modeling the cultural and educational space as a specific interaction of the space for teaching language and culture, based on socio-cultural and moral-patriotic education.
  3. Designing, substantiating, constructing, testing and implementing professionally-oriented technologies in the context of management in foreign language and intercultural education on the basis of scientific research that contributes to the modernization of foreign language education in the field of training a professionally competent, socially active, moral-creative personality of a bachelor and master.
  4. The pedagogical support and scientific support of the members of the research team in their research activities on their chosen issues of applied character.

Scientific novelty is determined by the goals and objectives of the research area, namely: • determination of the scientific and methodological foundations and content of the program and didactic support of foreign and intercultural education in the context of the management of foreign and intercultural communication; • defining the essence, laws and principles of improving foreign language and intercultural education, taking into account the personal development potential of the studied languages and cultures and their interdisciplinary connection with other educational areas; • the study of the consistent and continuous socializing properties of native, foreign and national languages as educational disciplines in their didactic relationship; • highlighting the interdisciplinary minimum of cultural concepts used in sociocultural analysis and interpretation of the products of the studied cultures, facts, phenomena and events in languages and cultures, analysis and generalization of modern trends in the development of foreign language and intercultural education on a global scale; • development, justification and implementation of theoretical approaches to the creation of an integrated multi-level dynamic and flexible management system for domestic foreign and intercultural education.

Key publications



Theory and Methodology of Design Development

Group leader: Prof. Konstantin S. Ivshin, Head, Dept. of Design


Research abstract: Fields of research: the methodology of design of objects, sets, complexes and ensembles; the relationship of artistic and technological factors, means, techniques and methods of designing objects, processes that shape style and fashion; shaping and structuring of design objects; the connection of tradition and modernity; design methods factoring in production process; methods for optimizing design processes based on a systematic approach; methods for calculating and changing design parameters; methods of shaping and structuring of art and industrial products; design culture; visual language in design, project modeling of design objects, semiotic modeling, conceptualization of a design product.

Key publications:

  1. Ivshin, K.S. Digital approaches in industrial design / K.S. Ivshin // International Journal of Engineering & Technology. – 2018. – № 7 (4.36). – pp. 1092-1093. (Scopus)
  2. Ivshin, K.S. Design and engineering of mini vehicles / K.S. Ivshin // International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies. – 2019. – № 6 (Volume 10). – pp. 753-762. (Web of Science)
  3. Ivshin, K. Graphic content design of the digital interactive book / A. Lyantsevich, K. Ivshin // National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald. – 2019. – № 1. – pp. 182-186. (Web of Science)
  4. Ившин К.С. Подходы экспозиционного дизайна объектов традиционной культуры (на материалах выставки «Марфа. Усть-Цильма» по итогам экспедиции) / А. В. Лянцевич, К. С. Ившин // Ежегодник финно-угорских исследований. - 2017. - Т. 11, вып. 2. - С. 178-186. (Web of Science)
  5. Ившин К.С. Антропометрическое моделирование мотоциклетной посадки водителя-пассажира в малогабаритных транспортных средствах / К.С. Ившин, Р.А. Семенов // Автомобильная промышленность. – 2017. – № 2. – С. 22-10.
  6. Ившин К.С. Эргономические составляющие дизайна роботехники // Е.В. Антипина, К.С. Ившин // Дизайн и технологии. – 2018. – № 63 (105). – С. 6-13.
  7. Ившин К.С. Концептуализация национальных дизайн-продуктов / Е.В. Дубовцева, К.С. Ившин // Дизайн. Материалы. Технология. – 2018. – № 2 (50). – С. 105-108.
